Studio Calendar - Holidays
Saturday, October 31, 2020
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account.
Tuesday, November 24 through Sunday, November 30, 2020
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account except on Thursday.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020 through Friday January 1, 2021
Winter Break
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account, except on Dec 24 - 25, Dec 31 and Jan 1.
Monday January 18, 2021
Martin Luther King Day
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account.
Monday, February 15, 2021
President's Day
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account..
Saturday, April 3 through Friday April 9, 2021
Spring Break
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account, except Sunday.
Saturday, May 29 through Monday, May 31, 2021
Memorial Day
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account.
Monday, June 30 through Monday, July 5, 2021**
Independence Day Break
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account, except Thursday.
Saturday, August 29 - Tuesday September 8, 2020*
Summer Break
- Studio Closed for regular lessons. Make ups are available if you have any on your account, except Sunday and Monday
* The end of the summer break might be altered slightly to accommodate the schedule for the following year.
Independence Day Break: Wednesday June 30 - Monday, July 19, 2021